Thursday, September 29, 2011

Emily was just in her primary program.Emily did a good job. Dan was up there too with his primary class. My family came to church with us and then to dinner at our house afterwards. It's nice to have family close to go to these things.
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  I made her this dress for the program. I don't think she liked it very much. But I thought she looked cute. I guess we all had to wear a dress our mom's liked but we didn't.
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Emily's Surprise Birthday Gift

Emily is turning ten this week. We decided to use her birthday as an opportunity to get a new member of our family. We got her a PUPPY!  Emily has no idea yet about her present. I have the box that I am going to put the puppy in already wrapped with a bow. I put some heavy objects in it and have it sitting in the family room. I have had her pick up when she is at out House and try and guess what is in the box. I hope this throws her off a bit. On her birthday I am going to replace the heavy objects with a puppy. I have had the dog for a week now. And I will have the dog for another week or so until we see Emily again. So far the dog is nameless. We are waiting for Emily to name her. But she answers to puppy, baby, sweetie, and poopy.

Emily's Fall Concert

I attended Emily's fourth grade Fall Choir Concert at her elementary school.  Her choir sang songs about Colorado's history. In between the songs they had some of the parents up on the stage playing "Are you smarter than a 4th Grader".  Emily did such a good job, and was so cute up on the stage singing and dancing.